
Corey Math Tutoring has at its core the belief that mathematics is a creative, explorative process of discovering patterns.

When it is taught as such, it is more accessible to a wide variety of learners, and more engaging. For that reason, Corey Math Tutoring is dedicated to matching students to learning activities that will make their school work more approachable and fun.

Academic Tutoring

Students with a wide variety of learning needs often find that the classroom environment is an uncomfortable fit. They may end up with gaps in their understanding of math facts and a low opinion of their own abilities. Children often think of the math they struggle with as a simple process of finding an answer that seems obvious to everyone but them. Corey Math Tutoring is about helping fill the gaps and practice the skills that may be hampering progress. But moreover, my approach is about helping students honor their own intuition and learn how to apply it in problem solving. I find that approach is respectful to the student’s hard-working teachers and gives students greater confidence to engage with their regular school work. I focus on students from 5th grade math to Algebra II and Pre-Calculus in high school.

Math Enrichment

Does your middle schooler love numbers and puzzles but doesn’t engage with their math homework or acts out in math class? Do they complain about hating math? For some students, the answer is not to avoid math but to seek out more rewarding math experiences. Corey Math Tutoring seeks to help parents provide these experiences through one-on-one sessions with projects and puzzles.

Test Preparation

Corey Math Tutoring hopes to help make the world of math education a more colorful, engaging place. However, right now standardized tests are some of the most prominent features of many students’ math education, and they can be scary. But they are less scary when you have a plan. Corey Math Tutoring brings experience with the tests and test-taking strategies to help students develop a plan to attack the test. Students often feel a lot more confident when they can take more control over their test-taking experience.

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